Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Work/Life Balance

I am a co-sleeping, breastfeeding, baby wearing, homeschooling mommy who works 80 hours/week. I am tired!
I would LOVE to cut down to part-time hours at work, but the finances say that is not possible. So, while getting the financial budget in place I am also going to try to do a family time "budget" to and try to get more of my life in balance. My job schedule helps tremendously with this I have to admit. I work 6:30am-5pm Wed through Wed (8 days in a row) and then I am off 6 days straight! I need to schedule my 6 days better because I'm always scrambling to finish chores that need to be done at the last possible moment before I start my work week back, and I get very little accomplished during my 8 day stretch. I feel like I'm trying to do everything and not doing anything very well, so while I'm budgeting our finances I am going to attempt to budget our time a little more wisely also.

I'm thinking something like a chore list and ways I can involve the kids to make it a family activity too. I am still in the planning phase right now, but I'll get back with you guys to let you know what I come up with. Any suggestions for me?

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